6. 频次直方图,数据区间划分和分布密度¶
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# 设置风格
6.1. 频次直方图¶
- bins: 画几条方图
- color: 颜色
- alpha: 透明度
- histtype: 图类型
data = np.random.randn(1000)
(array([ 9., 44., 108., 178., 241., 194., 134., 67., 20., 5.]),
array([-2.83511303, -2.23919796, -1.64328288, -1.04736781, -0.45145274,
0.14446234, 0.74037741, 1.33629248, 1.93220755, 2.52812263,
3.1240377 ]),
<a list of 10 Patch objects>)
plt.hist(data, bins=30, alpha=0.3, histtype='stepfilled', color='steelblue', edgecolor='none')
(array([ 2., 4., 3., 9., 19., 16., 30., 32., 46., 52., 52., 74., 77.,
87., 77., 83., 66., 45., 56., 41., 37., 29., 18., 20., 8., 7.,
5., 3., 0., 2.]),
array([-2.83511303, -2.63647467, -2.43783631, -2.23919796, -2.0405596 ,
-1.84192124, -1.64328288, -1.44464453, -1.24600617, -1.04736781,
-0.84872945, -0.6500911 , -0.45145274, -0.25281438, -0.05417602,
0.14446234, 0.34310069, 0.54173905, 0.74037741, 0.93901577,
1.13765412, 1.33629248, 1.53493084, 1.7335692 , 1.93220755,
2.13084591, 2.32948427, 2.52812263, 2.72676099, 2.92539934,
3.1240377 ]),
<a list of 1 Patch objects>)
x1 = np.random.normal(0, 0.8, 1000)
x2 = np.random.normal(-2, 1, 1000)
x3 = np.random.normal(3,2, 1000)
kwargs = dict(histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.3, bins=40)
plt.hist(x1, **kwargs)
plt.hist(x2, **kwargs)
plt.hist(x3, **kwargs)
(array([ 1., 0., 1., 2., 5., 2., 6., 5., 8., 11., 17., 23., 26.,
32., 35., 53., 67., 49., 50., 53., 61., 58., 67., 67., 53., 45.,
53., 32., 34., 19., 25., 22., 9., 2., 4., 1., 0., 1., 0.,
array([-3.90483644, -3.575889 , -3.24694156, -2.91799412, -2.58904668,
-2.26009924, -1.9311518 , -1.60220436, -1.27325692, -0.94430948,
-0.61536204, -0.2864146 , 0.04253285, 0.37148029, 0.70042773,
1.02937517, 1.35832261, 1.68727005, 2.01621749, 2.34516493,
2.67411237, 3.00305981, 3.33200725, 3.66095469, 3.98990213,
4.31884957, 4.64779701, 4.97674445, 5.30569189, 5.63463934,
5.96358678, 6.29253422, 6.62148166, 6.9504291 , 7.27937654,
7.60832398, 7.93727142, 8.26621886, 8.5951663 , 8.92411374,
<a list of 1 Patch objects>)
6.2. 二维频次直方图和数据区间划分¶
# 准备数据
mean = [0, 0]
cov = [[1,1], [1,2]]
# 多元正太分布随机样本抽取
# mean:多元正态分布的维度
# cov:多元正态分布的协方差矩阵,且协方差矩阵必须是对称矩阵和半正定矩阵(形状为(N,N)的二维数组)。
# size: 数组的形状(整数或者由整数构成的元组)。如果该值未给定,则返回单个N维的样本(N恰恰是上面mean的长度)。
x, y = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, 10000).T
6.3. plt.hist2d¶
plt.hist2d(x, y, bins=30, cmap='Blues')
cb = plt.colorbar()
cb.set_label("counts in bin")
6.4. plt.hexbin¶
plt.hexbin(x, y, gridsize=30, color='red')
cb = plt.colorbar(label="count in bin")
6.5. 核密度估计¶
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
data = np.vstack([x, y])
kde = gaussian_kde(data)
x = np.linspace(-3.5, 3.5, 40)
y = np.linspace(-6, 6, 40)
x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
z = kde.evaluate(np.vstack([x.ravel(), y.ravel()]))
plt.imshow(z.reshape(x.shape), origin='lower', aspect='auto', extent=[-3.5, 3.5, -6, 6], cmap='Blues')
cb = plt.colorbar()